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What is the Motorcycle Rider Course?
The motorcycle rider course, known as the Basic Rider Course (BRC), is a complete, 为16岁及以上的摩托车街头骑手提供实践课程指导. 不需要摩托车的先验知识. 所有参加BRC的学生都必须持有有效的驾驶执照和/或学习许可证. BRC对身体要求很高,学生必须身体健康. Equally, 学生必须能自如地骑自行车,并在两个轮子上保持平衡.

What will I learn?
这15小时的课程从摩托车类型的回顾开始,指导摩托车 control and protective gear. 课程的骑术/靶场部分涵盖了这些骑术技巧 on the second and third class days:

  • Straight‐line riding
  • Turning, shifting and braking
  • Street riding strategies
  • Hazard avoidance
  • Advanced turning
  • Maximum braking
  • Handling special riding situations

Can I use my own equipment?

BRC项目中使用的自行车通常是125cc或250cc的街头摩托车. They 重量约为200 - 250磅,座椅高度范围为24至27英寸(视情况而定) on the model selected). 骑手教练会给骑手配上最适合他们的自行车 needs.

What do I need to bring?
You must wear protective gear. This includes the following:

  • 头盔-经DOT批准的3 / 4或全面头盔
  • Eye protection
  • 结实的过脚踝鞋(不是布或帆布)
  • Long sleeve shirt or jacket
  • 长,无风格牛仔裤或同样耐用的材料
  • Full fingered gloves, preferably leather
  • 你可以选择带零食或午餐与你的课程范围部分


  • Pen and/or pencil
  • 老花镜——只有当你需要它来看幻灯片、视频显示器和/或文书工作时,你才能戴上它
  • Student Information Sheet
  • 豁免、弃权和赔偿协议
  • Campus map (if not familiar with the 十大网赌软件推荐 campus)
  • 完成五小时电子课程证书

Who is eligible for the Basic Rider Course?
15小时的基本骑行课程(BRC)是为任何想要学习骑摩托车的人准备的. (18岁以下的学生必须由家长或监护人陪同进入教室 session.)
Other enrollment requirements include:

  • 持有有效的驾驶执照和/或学习驾照
  • 平衡在两个轮子上保持平衡的能力,如骑自行车
  • Completion of an application for admission
  • 完成风险/责任免责声明(所有表格必须在范围部分之前签署) of the class)

学生将在可控的范围条件下接受15小时的课堂和现场摩托车教学. 这个为期3天的课程是为那些想要学习正确和安全地骑摩托车的人设计的.

Weekend Schedule
Friday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (all students)
Saturday and Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (approximately)

学员必须参加全部15小时的培训. 同样,学生将被要求在 time for all scheduled sessions. 旷课和迟到者将丧失其在课堂上的位置 all tuition.
所有课程准时开始. Therefore, it is imperative that you be in 上课前约15分钟. In order to receive a 取消退款,十大网赌软件推荐必须在上课前至少48小时通知您. 如果学生不来上课,学费将不予退还.

What happens if it rains?
Class will be conducted rain or shine. 请准备适当的衣物.

How much is the tuition?
基础骑手课程的学费位于 http://united.mediagate-egy.net/tuition/.

The classes fill quickly. Can I get on a waiting list?
There is no waiting list. 课程以先到先得的方式填满.

BRC courses are offered throughout the state; for more information go to http://www.learn2ride.com.

规章制度根据你所在州的要求而有所不同. If you are an out‐of‐state 居民,请与您所在州的车管所部门确认是否会有十大网赌软件推荐证书 honored.

我上这门课需要注册吗? If so, how do I register for the BRC?
是的,每个人都必须注册参加BRC课程. The BRC classes award 1 college credit. If 你在过去三年内没有在十大网赌软件推荐修过学分课程,你需要填写 out an Application 申请进入十大网赌软件推荐. There is no fee to submit your application. 在线过程可以在几分钟内完成,然后你将有资格 报名参加BRC课程. 你必须在注册时支付学费.
Pay Your Tuition

Where are the BRC classes conducted?
所有BRC课程都在都柏林的十大网赌软件推荐举行. The lecture component of the class is conducted in Martin Hall, room 242 and on Parking Lot H for the range portion of the class. All Students should park in Parking Lot E.

我必须怎样做才能补领车管所完成证书/豁免书或电单车安全证书 Foundation (MSF) Completion Card?
车管所执照/豁免完成证书只能在12个月或更短的时间内更换 original date issued. MSF结业卡只能在24个月或更短时间内更换 date of issue. 所有更换卡的手续费为20美元.

不,您必须要求在您的驾驶执照上保留“M2”分类 renewal at the DMV. 如果您的“M2”分类到期,您是否需要参加BRC 或者通过你当地的车管所采取措施来满足要求. In most 在这种情况下,将“M2”分类应用于您的驾驶执照需要额外的费用. Please 向你当地的车管所部门查询合适的收费结构.


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